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  • Writer's picturecatalystyouth

Blog #43 - What's the point?

The end of January is approaching… already in 2021, we are going into the 2nd month, and if this month has been anything to go by, this year is once again going to fly by! However, with the end of January in sight, that means that Christmas and New Year 2020 really are soon going to be a distant memory.

So, my question is, how many of you made New Year’s resolutions?

And a follow up question… how many of you have already broken that resolution or given up?

I find New Years Resolutions a strange thing, I understand why people do it, and I understand it does help a lot, but me personally I just find it a bit strange because (from my experience) no one ever really tries! There’s always those conversations of ‘what’s your resolution’ and it may be something like ‘to give up smoking’ or ‘not to eat any chocolate this year’, and then you see them in, say March, and they’re there, a cigarette in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other and feel the need to announce to you they’ve already failed. (This is a made up story, I don’t actually know anyone that has appeared with a cigarette and a chocolate bar, but it just adds to the drama).

Anyway, the point I’m making is, why are resolutions always about giving something up? Especially giving up things that may take more than just saying you’re going to do it?

Maybe you have had better experiences, and if that is the case, then brilliant!

It’s only a short blog today, potentially the shortest we have done so far, but my reason for making it short is because I want to challenge you. If you are still thinking of making a resolution, or maybe you’ve already had one that hasn’t worked out and you want to try something else, then I want to encourage you to try something different this year.

Put £5 a month into savings, although it seems a little amount, it’ll help in the future to go towards something if you can keep it going.

Phone a different family member each month to check in, it’s amazing how much that’ll be appreciated.

Offer to volunteer in helping someone at school, college or work, if they look like they may be struggling or even if they don't.

I could go on, but already there are some examples of resolutions that may not be the normal type. They don’t involve giving something up, or starting a new hobby, but in fact they mean helping someone (whether that’s you or someone else).

Whatever you do this year, we’d love to hear all about it!

Keep safe,


This week’s resource…

Challenge: What can you do this year?

Can be found: The place where whatever you decide to do can be found!

About: Let us know what you decide to do!

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