We want to encourage YOU to write your own story during this time of Lock Down! However, you won’t be doing it alone… Below you will find where we have started a story off, all we want you to do is add 1 or 2 paragraphs to the story. If we can encourage enough people to do this, imagine the amazing (or absolutely ridiculous, both equally as good) world and story we could create, hopefully bringing joy to all those who read it.
It was a bright summers day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. People were going about their routines which we did every time the sun came out. Some people were getting their BBQ's ready for family to come round, others were out cutting the grass and sorting out their gardens (which they'd been meaning to do for weeks) and others were just enjoying lying in the sun at gardens, parks and beaches, reading their books, chatting with friends or just watching the world go by. But all was not as it seemed...