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Lockdown Blog #15 - Confidence

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

So here I am again at the end of another week sat writing this blog to you. We are now seeing more rules relaxed in this lockdown, meaning for some, they get to see loved ones and also get to hug them, providing they are in your bubble. 

I know for us, my mother in law will be coming around for a hug... now that’s not a hug for me but for Brenden. Not to long ago, Sarah celebrated her birthday and as this was in lockdown she was unable to hug her mum who she met in the lay-by, outside of North Petherton Rugby Club, with her mum holding a sign saying “lots of love hugs and kisses. Happy birthday Sos”. This was upsetting for Sarah, but she had confidence that the day she can hug her mum will come soon, and now that day for her has come and for some of you also.

I know some of you will be doing the same with your loved ones, but also some of you will still be waiting for that time. I know for me, the time I am looking forward to the most is to return to church. I have been a Christian 10 years this year, with 7 (come September) of those as a Youth Worker and this is the longest time I have spent without going to church. Even when I am on annual leave/on holiday, I still try and find a church to attend as my faith is so important to me. What are you missing?

I have confidence that we will soon be back at church, with more and more steps being made and lockdown rules being relaxed every few weeks, we will be back in the building, all worshiping together looking back and talking about lockdown and how did we ever cope.

Today I am looking at the word ‘confidence’, mostly because today we (Catalyst Youth UK) released our music video of Sanctus Real’s hit song ‘Confidence’, with us and the children and young people we serve miming over the top.

So what comes to mind when I say CONFIDENCE?

To me, self-esteem comes to mind and I know all to well what that word means. If you don’t, ‘self-esteem is typically defined as confidence in ones own worth or abilities’. As a Christian, I define self-esteem as having confidence that I am who God says I am. It’s not dependant on my own abilities (because those can be soooo unreliable!), but instead, on knowing that God will equip me for the work He has set out for me to do. 

BUT that's all very well me saying this to you. But you as a person, need to find that confidence in yourself and I know that can be hard. I, even today will struggle. This could be in the form of that voice in my head that says, ‘you are no good at this, so give it up’ or ‘if you speak in front of all these people you will muck up and everyone will laugh at you’.

Let me tell you a secret, can you keep this secret? Well I am going to have confidence that you will. ‘I hate getting up in front of people and speaking’. You probably didn’t know this. Eminem said this in his rap ‘Lose Yourself’

‘Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment

Would you capture it, or just let it slip?

Yo! His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy...

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready’

I know what you’re thinking, ‘has this Christian Youth Worker just quoted Eminem?’ And I have because his words are true. This is how I feel every time I have to do a talk in what ever setting. 

We also see it in the words of Sanctus Real in their song ‘Confidence’

It starts off by saying ‘I'm not a warrior, I'm too afraid to lose, I feel unqualified for what you're calling me to’. I felt that so much in my life growing up. It’s taken me so long to find a job that I don’t call a job, a job, that every day I wake up happy to go to work and currently it’s not far to travel, as it’s my home office. But the song continues and says ‘But Lord with your strength, I've got no excuse’, and that verse is so true. With Gods help through the Holy Spirit I have the confidence to do all the things He has called me to do. 

Later in the song it says ‘So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den, Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness, Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defence, So I can face my giants with confidence, You took a shepherd boy, And made him a King’. We see throughout the bible God using those who were so unqualified for the job at hand, but God used them and gave them everything they needed. 

Today God has not changed! He still calls the unqualified and equips them, all we have to do is ‘trust you and give you everything, I'll be a conqueror, 'Cause you fight for me, I'll be a champion claiming your victory’. 

I believe in every one of you and I have confidence you will succeed in whatever you have your sights set on.

So this week pray - ask God for the confidence, ask God to equip you and be Confident, be a Champion and claim that victory for yourself and for God.

Stay safe, be confident and stay blessed,


This week’s resource...

Video: Confidence - Sanctus Real HHMC & ACM edition

Can be found:

About: This is about 2 churches coming together (exactly what Antony and I started Catalyst Youth UK to do) to make this video. We hope you enjoy. 

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